Paper Review Semantics Aware Android Malware Classification Using Weighted Contextual API Dependency Graphs



semantic-based approach that classifies An- droid malware via dependency graphs To battle transformation attacks, we extract a weighted contextual API dependency graph as program semantics to construct feature sets. To fight against malware variants and zero-day malware, we introduce graph similarity metrics to uncover homogeneous application behaviors while tolerating minor implementation difference.


We evaluate our system using 2200 malware samples and 13500 benign sam- ples. Experiments show that our signature detection can correctly label 93% of malware instances; our anomaly detector is capable of detecting zero-day malware with a low false negative rate (2%) and an acceptable false positive rate (5.15%) for a vetting purpose.


Existing automated Android malware detection and classification methods fall into two general categories: 1) signature-based and 2) machine learning-based.

To quantify the similarity of two graphs, we first compute a graph edit distance.

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Details and Problems From the presenters’ point of view, what questions might audience ask?

We build graph databases for two sets of behaviors: benign and malicious (not the exact behavior name?).

What is the graph (abstraction)? Weighted Contextual API Dependency Graphs

To address the scalability challenge, we utilize a bucket-based indexing scheme to improve search efficiency