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Only one thing defined in this file is exported directly: typeCheckModule, while the Monad etc. is exported with T.


First, data Module = Module SourceSpan [Comment] ModuleName [Declaration] (Maybe [DeclarationRef]).

so, two parts, declarations and exports are checked. The focus is typeChecAll.

Type check all declarations in a module

At this point, many declarations will have been desugared, but it is still necessary to

  • Kind-check all types and add them to the @Environment@
  • Type-check all values and add them to the @Environment@
  • Bring type class instances into scope
  • Process module imports

Check DataDeclaration

  1. If dtype is newtype, check speciality about newtype
  2. Check duplicated type argument, e.g. data S a a = a
  3. Kinding: e.g. data S (m :: * -> *) a = S (m a)

Check DataBindingGroupDeclaration

The DataBindingGroupDeclaration has grouped declarations. They are further divided into type synonyms and data decls. And they are kinded. Next, they are added to the environment with addTypeSynonym and addDataType.

In addDataType, type name is gracefully inserted, and constructors are further added by addDataConstructor. First, the type arguments of constructor are fully replaced if any type synonyms exist. Then, its type is constructed and inserted.

Note the mkForAll:

-- From Language/PureScript/Types.hs
mkForAll :: [String] -> Type -> Type
mkForAll args ty = foldl (\t arg -> ForAll arg t Nothing) ty args

The forall qualifier for unbounded type variables are all added to the head!

Check BindingGroupDeclaration

Another interesting snippet.

For BindingGroupDeclaration [(Ident, NameKind, Expr)], all identifier are first checked to be not defined previously with valueIsNotDefined. It is REALLY a bad name, though. Then value is typed with typesOf and added.

The real code type checking is done with typesOf defined in Language.PureScript.TypeChecker.Types.

Check TypeClassDeclaration

  TypeClassDeclaration (ProperName 'ClassName) [(String, Maybe Kind)] [Constraint] [Declaration]
  -- A type instance declaration (name, dependencies, class name, instance types, member
  -- declarations)

Interestingly, the "dependencies" are called args.

Check TypeInstanceDeclaration

TypeInstanceDeclaration Ident [Constraint] (Qualified (ProperName 'ClassName)) [Type] TypeInstanceBody
  -- A type instance declaration (name, dependencies, class name, instance types, member
  -- declarations)

Let's see checkTypeClassInstance. It can return two errors:

  • TypeSynonymInstance: Type synonym name is used as TypeConstructor.
  • InvalidInstanceHead: The $\alpha$ is not in TypeVar, TypeConstructor or TypeApp.

After that, we we will check its named constraints. Then checkOrphanInstance (FIXME WTF does this mean? all I see is check the consistency of module name).


This module reflects the complexity of type system. The existence of other language construct makes typing more complex; while at the same time, we make typing itself complex in exchange for expressiveness.

Also, this part is more specific to the language itself. The core of type checking algorithm might be more independent.