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Virtual Machines

Intro to VMs

  • Language VM, e.g. JVM
  • Process VM
  • System VM, like VMware
  • Co-designed VM


  • Process VMs
    • Same ISA
      • Threads
      • Dynamic bin optimizers
    • Diff ISA
      • Dyn Translators
      • HLL VMs -- Interpreter, Compilers
  • Sys VMs
    • Same ISA
      • Classic-Sys VMs -- VMM
      • Hosted VMs
    • Different ISA
      • Whole-Sys VMs -- Emulation
      • Co-designed VMs -- Hardware optimizations

Portability? Functionality? Or even better performance?

Emulation: Interpretation and Binary Translation

Startup cost v.s. continuous cost

Interpreter: manages the state (mem, ctx, code ...)

  • Decode-and-dispatch interpretation
  • Threaded interpretation
  • Pre-decoding
  • Direct threaded -- code replacing

RISC v.s. CISC: Only some instructions in CISC are commonly used? Any pattern or skeleton of decoding (instruction template)? Partial decoding (dispatch on first byte)?

Precoding and portability?

Binary translation: how does the mapping work? Register mapping? Other special things?

Dynamic: Code discovering problem in static translation and dyn-translation (akin JIT), code cache (hit, replacement algo...), code map, any inconsistency?

Other issues: self-modifying code, self-ref code, precise traps (debug?)

Same-ISA VM: code management, program shepherding, monitoring (security)

Translation chaining (link translated blocks together)

SPC (Source PC), TPC (Translated PC)

Software indirect jump predication.

Shadow Stack: optimization for lookup overhead

ISA issues: number/property of registers (simulated registers), condition code (lazy eval, compatibility), alignment, endianess, addressing modes ...

Shade: A simulation tool

Process VMs

ABI: Application binary interface

Proc VM: Loader, signals, os call emulation, exception emulation, code caching, translation + interpretation, profiling..

Compatibility: state correspondence when control transfers (to and from user program and host os)

runtime binary: RT data, RT code ..

memory mapping: translation tables (indirect v.s. direct), arch(segmentation, page sizes ...), access privilege supporting difference, protection/allocation granularity ..

memory protection: mmap(), mprotect()

self-mod, self-ref code: write-protect -> cache flashing

protect runtime -> two modes: RT mode, emu mode

staged emulation: mixed methods, profiling, hotspot etc.

  • Linux: OS-app communication through ABI and signals
  • Windows: callbacks, async call, exceptions

I/O simulation: side effect, irrelevant to Turing completeness

code cache v.s. HW cache: no fixed size, presence dep caused by chaining, no backing store (once deleted, only re-translation)

replacement algos: LRU, flush when full, preemptive flush (detect the program phase change), fine-grained FIFO, coarse-grained FIFO

FX!32: Transparent execution of IA-32 apps on Alpha platforms running on Windows.

Dynamic Binary Translation

Performance becomes the first concern.

Compiler techniques: code motion, reordering, blocked translation (trace, superblock, tree group).

Stages: Interpretation, basic block translation (with chaining or not), optimized translation (larger blocks), highly optimized translation (with profiling information)

Behaviors: backward branch tendency, same-value production ...

Profiling: HW or Software? Probes, interrupts. HotSpot detection (region based), control flow predicability (edge based). Instrumentation v.s. Sampling.

Larger blocks: Locality.

Super block formation: starting points, continuation, end points. Threshold. -> Code relayout

Compatibility issues: register consistency (renaming ... code motion ...), trap consistency (code reordering...), Compensate code

Code patching

Example: HP Dynamo system.

HLL VM arch

Think process VM is a "after-the-fact" method, while HLL VM is a well-designed plan aimed at portability.

Virtual ISA + APIs

Metadata in V-ISA => Data Set Architecture: describes the data structures, attributes, and relationships

HLL Program --- compiler ---> Portable Code --- VM loader ---> V-ISA memory image -- Interpreter/Translator --> Execution

  • P-code: Pascal IR
  • JVM: Spec, designed with Java in mind
  • CLI: Spec, more HLL-general (Instruction part: MSIL)


  • On-stack op -- short code, better register-mapping friendly
  • Mem cells
  • Mem stack & heap abstraction
  • Common interface to OS (hiding diff OS)


Sandbox: Managed code, access control, auto GC, ref checking, OS interface, namespacing, etc.. => Loaders + Runtime

Native Interface: Convention, APIs, FFI, e.g. JNI

Performance -- JIT

Constant Pool

Operand Stack Tracking: At any given point in the program, the operands stack must have the same number and types of operands in the same order. (path insensitivity)

Binary format for distribution (Class in Java, Module in CLI) consists of: Magic num, version info, constant pool with size, access flags, this class, super class, interface count, field count, field info, methods count, methods, attributes count, attributes.

Java: J2EE, J2SE, J2ME

Java APIs: java.lang -- core package, including types, system, security, process, and Class for reflection; java.util -- data structures and supporting utils ...;,, java,awt ...

Module-based programming -- Serializability and Reflection. RMI, platform-indep format for repr of internal ds. (For net or persistenet storage)

Multi-threading -- Thread class, monitor for lock, wait and notify for sync.

CLI: more flexible

Verifiable, cross-lang interpretation

HLL VM impl


  • Class loader subsys
  • mem sys
    • GC heap
    • Native stack
    • Java Stack
    • Method area
  • Execution engine

Dynamic Class Loading: access right, scoping property, access right.

Loading: parsing and translate into internal data structure. Format correctness sanity checking.

Casting: upcast is down statically, down-cast is checked dyn

Malicious resource-demanding detection: Turing halting

Security with binary hashing & pub/priv signing

Method call -- stack inspection, done by security manager.

JIT -- akin binary translation.

OO prog -- frequent use of addressing indirection, use of small methods.

Optimization: Profiling + interpreter/simple-compiler/optimizing-compiler

Howto: code-relayout, methods inlining (trap: virtual methods => profiling, multi-versioning, specialization), On-stack replacement, scalar replacement, null-check motion

Example: Jikes RVM

Whether to compile: cost-benefit analysis, heuristics & experimentally derived parameters.

Jikes three level optimization framework:

  • Level 0: conventional, incluing copy/const prop, common-subexpr elim, dead-code elim, branch opt, trivial inlining/relayout ...
  • Level 1: More aggressive inlining/relayout based on profile
  • Level 2: global optimization based on SSA form, loop unrolling ...

Co-designed VM

VM tech => General purpose CPU design

Co-design: VM software and host hardware

high-level semantics

IBM Sys/38, IBM Daisy, AS/400, Transmeta Crusoe...

  • Source-ISA, visible memory
  • Target-ISA, canceled memory

VMM: VM monitor

Code translation methods:

  • Context-free translation
  • Context-sensitive translation

Register state mapping: guest sys regs + VMM used regs

Memory state mapping: concealed memory (VMM code & data, code cache ..)

VMM control from boot

Memory mapping schemes:

  • Shared logical memory space (too large to fit)
  • Separated logic memory space
  • Concealed memory is real addressing

VMM part: Diskless, no paging, no secondary concealing needed


  • Self-modifying code: Fine-grained Write-protection methods for source code regions
  • I/O to guest code memory: Caught and keep code cache's durability.

Indirect-jump: Probably the greatest source of performance loss in a software-only code cache system.

JTLB: Jump TLB -- Direct mapping from SPC to TPC.

Procedure return jump: Hard to predict => RAS (Return Address Stack), mimics soft-proc-stack => For VM ctx, a Dual-address RAS (DRAS) is used. (like hard-impl of shadow stack)

Precise trap: Hardware Checkpoints => relax restriction on code motion optimization

  • Checkpoints are set at every translation block entry point
  • When there is a trap, the checkpoint is restored, and interpretation begins at the beginning of the source ode that formed the trapping translation block

Checkpoint -- Gated stores methods

  • At commit point, make shadow copy, release gated stores, and establish new gate stores
  • On exception, restore from shadow copy, squash gated stores, and establish new gate for stores.

Page fault compatibility

  • Active page fault detection
  • Lazy ...: When the translated code is actually used?

Flush: page table mapping is modified. Flush both translation block and related side tables.

Guest's mem-mapped IO

VLIW: parallelism

Simplify inst issue logic

  • Transmeta Crusoe
    • VLIW = 4 insts
    • Branch unit, FPU, CPU, load/store U
    • IA-32 => RISC like micro-ops => Parallelize and rescheduling
  • AS/400
    • New ISA
    • MI: Machine Interface
    • Mem: objects (persistent or temporary)
    • sys vm rather than proc vm

Sys VM

Src of sys vm: time-sharing

Host platform --shared by--> guest sys VMs, with a layer of software (VMM)

  • Multi-processor virtualization
  • Shared-memory multi-processors => Memory model => Memory coherence and memory consistency

Outward appearance: Multiple machine illusion; hardware switch; resource subset replication

reg file state maintenance: copying

Resource control: some resource sensitive instructions need special treatment (interval timer etc.); Prevent starvation and unfairness -- Override the req

system mode v.s. user mode

IBM VM/370 -- CP/CMS design -- separation of resource management and service function

Processor: direct native execution + emulation special instruction

S =

  • E: Executable image
  • M: Mode of operation
  • P: PC counter
  • R: Memory relocation bounds register
  • Privileged instructions: Load PSW / Set CPU Timer
  • Sensitive instruction: Control / Behavior
  • Critical instruction: Sens - Pri, e.g. LRA and POPF

VMM: dispatcher + allocator + interpreter routines

True VMM: efficiency, resource control, and equivalence (efficiency is always compromised for the latter two)

Theorem 1: 3rd computer, valid VMM <=> Sens \subst pri

Recursive virtualization: timing dep, resource shrinking

critical instructions => patching => caching the actions

memory's two-level mapping: virtual -> real -> physical, shadow page tables

To virtualize TLB, the VMM maintains a copy of TLB guest's contents and also manages the real TLB => keep copies up-to-date

ASID: Address Space ID, included in TPL entry (Allow TLB to be management-efficient, compared with TLB rewrite)

Difficulty in virtualizing IO devices: a lot of sorts + keep growing

  • Dedicated devices
  • Partitioned devices
  • Spooled devices
  • Nonexistent

I/O => Through instruction in, out; through sys-call interface; through driver-interface level

VMM-n (native), VMM-u (user), VMM-d (driver)

Emulation assists:

  • Ctx switch
  • Decoding of priv instructions
  • Virtual interval timer
  • Adding special instructions to the ISA

Performance improving:

  • Non-paged mode
  • Pseudo-page-fault handling
  • Spool files
  • IVC

Para-virtualization: interface

  • V=R VM
  • Shadow table bypass assist
  • Preferred-machine assist
  • Segment sharing

IBM's IEF: Support for VM